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The Scholarship for Academic Perseverance recognizes the efforts and hard work of students who have intellectual or physical handicaps, or learning disabilities that are elaborated in an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) or in a medical attestation. These are students who are currently in school and enrolled in a full-time educational program. The students should be applying during the year of completion of the program. Students strive to acquire skills so that they may be certified in a program or attain the life skills necessary to help them become independent and contributing members of our society.  


Who is eligible? 


1) A student must have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and is pursuing their education in a program recognized by the Quebec      Ministry of Education at one of these levels: 

  • a high school 

  • an alternate program leading to obtaining high-school diploma 

  • adult sector to attain a high school diploma 

  • a specialized school/program.  




2) A student was diagnosed by a qualified professional and can provide a medical attestation with one or more disabilities (learning, language, cognitive, or physical) and is following a program recognized by the Quebec Ministry of Education at one of these levels: 

  • a high school 

  • an alternate program leading to obtaining high-school diploma 

  • a certificate program (e.g. Work Oriented Training Path) during high school 

  • adult sector to attain a high school diploma 

  • a specialized school/program. 


The candidate may complete the application form independently or may be nominated by the immediate family who will help complete the application form on behalf of the student. 


Students eligible for these scholarships must be of Ukrainian Catholic origin studying within the Province of Quebec. 




The student or an immediate family member would complete the regular application form and an explanatory letter that would accompany the application to provide additional pertinent information. 


The explanatory letter would: 

  • Include any information that would help the Selection Committee understand what the student has gone through in their educational journey and the obstacles that they have overcome.  

  • Provide information on why the student is deserving of this award.   


A signed copy of Individual Education Plan as well as a copy of the most recent report card should be forwarded along with the application.  


A professional or medical attestation, where the difficulty is clearly stated, is also required.  


If the applicant or immediate family wishes to have a teacher write a letter in support of the candidacy, this letter may also be included at the time of application.   

Postal Address:

Father Josaphat Jean Scholarship Foundation

The Assumption Of Blessed Virgin Mary

6185 10e Avenue, Montréal, QC H1Y 2H5

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